IV E07a | Iris Abbott |
IV E07d | Joseph Abbott |
IV E07b | Mattie Abbott |
IV E07c | Robert Abbott |
IV H03 | Nancy Nichols Allen |
I N03 | Cordelia Shope Almond |
I N02 | John Westley Almond |
I N04 | Maude Almond |
II A02 | Clarence C Angel |
IV A06 | Gay Angel |
II A01 | Jennie Cooper Angel |
V H12a | MT Battle |
I M03 | Mollie Shuler Beard |
I M04 | Richard P Beard |
I O02 | Charles Jackson Beck |
I Q06 | Dorothy Jean Beck |
I Q02 | Emma Ballard Beck |
I Q04 | Eva S Nelson Beck |
I Q07 | Evelyn Jeanette Beck |
I Q01 | Iris Pauline Beck |
I Q08 | Mary Jane Beck |
I O04 | Mollie Long Beck |
I P03 | Oscar M Beck |
I Q03 | Ralph Napolean Beck |
I P02 | Samuel Roy Beck |
I O03 | Samuel Thomas Beck |
II F17 | Bessie White Bird |
V D05b | Marianna Fischer Black |
V D05a | Stanley Black |
I K09a | James Don, Willa Bell Blankenship |
I O05 | Agnes Cabe Blevins |
III B02 | Wayne Brogdon |
I G03 | Aldo Brown |
V C01 | Sallie Brown |
I P01 | Essie Beck Cabe |
I O06 | Sam L Cabe |
I I04 | Daughter of Ed, Nancy Sue Chambers |
I L06 | Josephine Wiggins Clampett |
II F06a | Cline family |
I D06b | Bland Coburn |
I D06a | Jack Coburn |
II G03 | Josephine Cogdill |
III F08 | Claud Kimsey Collins |
V H05 | DK Collins |
V H06 | Ellen Collins |
V H03 | James Robert Collins |
V H04 | Mattie Collins |
V H02 | Pearl Collins |
III F07 | Victoria Fisher Collins |
V E07 | Clint Conley |
II B05a | Donald and LaVelle Cooper |
II B02 | Frances Eliza Wiggins Cooper |
II D06a | Joel A Cooper |
IV I02 | John R Cooper |
II D06b | Laura Cooper |
II B01 | William F Cooper |
II D07 | William Harvey Cooper |
VI E01 | Lillian Phillips Cordel |
VI E02 | Robert Henry Cordell |
V E24 | Mayme Everett Denning |
VII F08 | CC Dorsey |
VI J06a | JH and LL Dorsey |
IV B07 | Henry Ellett |
IV F17 | Charles A Elmore |
V H01 | Pollie Enloe |
V E20 | Anna Lou Everett (younger) |
V E22 | Anna Lou Everett |
V F15 | Epp Everett |
V E23 | John H Everett |
V F16 | Lillie Everett |
V F14 | Mary Everett |
V C04 | Fannie Conley Farley |
V C02 | JL Farley |
V C03 | William H Farley |
V A04 | Frank Lindon Ferguson |
V A03a | Gola and Jerdie Ferguson |
III F06 | Elizabeth Fisher |
III E04 | Maggie Conley Fisher |
IV D10 | Sister Elizabeth A Flynn |
II E22 | Iva Francis |
II C18 | Joe Francis |
I E03b | AJ Franklin, Sr |
I E03a | Sallie Keener Franklin |
I E01 | Sallie Gertrude Franklin |
V I05 | Joshua A Franks |
V I07 | Mary Brendle Franks |
IV C06a | Lorena Meadows Fretwell |
V K15a | Baby Fry |
VI G04 | Frank E Fry |
VI G02 | Harold Fry |
V K15b | Lillie Agnus Fry |
VI G03 | Martha Pender Fry |
V H15 | Ida M Galbreath |
I F07 | Imo Garrett |
I I07 | Mollie Ophelia Garrett |
I F08 | William B, Sr. Garrett |
V C13 | Hester Sitton Gibson |
V C16 | Jane Henderson Gibson |
V C15 | John Patton Gibson |
V C14 | Samuel Leonard Gibson |
II F03a | WA, Palestine Gibson |
IV E06a | Caney and Polly Gossett |
I O07a | Dock Sidney, Lucy Snider Grant |
I N05 | Elizabeth Grant |
IV A01 | Richard Troy Grant |
I G06a | Varnell, Elizabeth,Ollie May, Coda Louellyn Grant |
I D05a | William and Eleanor Heyward |
IV K03 | Lytle Hickerson |
II F16 | Iceleane Hill |
II F15 | Genevieve Hill |
II G02 | George S Hill |
II G04 | Jonathan Hill |
II G05 | Latitia Hill |
II F14 | Sarah Hill |
II F13 | Thadeous Hill |
I H10 | Sarah Ruth Hollifield |
IV G10a | Aseph Hamilton Hughes |
IV G10b | Hester Farley Hughes |
I J08 | Earl Hupp |
I B03 | Howard Donald Hyatt |
IV E09 | Mattie Brown Hyatt |
I B02b | Mayme Hyatt |
I B02c | Wayne Hyatt |
I B02a | Zenas J Hyatt |
VII D07 | Amanda Dorsey Hyde |
VI H03 | John Thomas Hyde |
II G06 | Lura Ingram |
IV G03 | Roy B Keith |
IV C10 | James L Leatherwood |
III C01 | B Lewis Ledford |
I J19 | Allen Lee |
I J17 | Joseph H Lee |
I J18 | Sue Lee |
I L22 | Clayton Lewis |
I L21 | Hermie Lewis |
IV B09 | James Nathan Lipscomb |
I G02 | Andrew A Lyon |
I G01 | Mary M Lyon |
I P08 | Bertha Marcus |
II E05 | Mattie Marr |
I I08 | Ardell Martin |
II E21 | Carlos McCauley |
I P06 | Andrew Frazier McLean |
I A03 | Lillian McLean |
I A01 | Mattie McLean |
I A02 | Russell L McLean |
I P07b | WK, Lucinda McLean |
IV C06c | Clyde Meadows |
IV C06d | Martha Meadows |
IV C06e | Willis Meadows |
I I02a | Mehaffey headstone |
V F03 | Emma Mendenhall |
V F04 | Montalvria Mendenhall |
I L07 | Daughter of SM, Bertta Messen |
IV A02 | George Esley Miller |
IV C03 | Jack Miller |
IV C05 | Mattie Fletcher Miller |
IV C04 | Roy Miller |
IV B01 | Rachel Moles |
I I05 | Llewellyn James Moody |
I I06 | Sue Moody |
I K15 | Robert Mooney |
III B01 | Emma Brogden Moore |
I P10 | Alice Knox Morgan |
IV B10 | Amelia Morrow |
IV H01 | DE Nichols |
IV G02 | Grace M Nichols |
IV H04 | Rosa Nichols |
IV H02 | Sarah Nichols |
IV G01 | William D Nichols |
I C02a | John L Orr |
VI H08 | Charles Alfred Painter |
VI H07 | Hanley Painter |
VI H06 | Fern Painter |
I E07 | Melvin Parris |
I B01a | MK, AS Patterson |
I K07 | BH Penland |
I J06 | Infant son 1 of WG, Jessie Penland |
I J05 | Infant son 2 of WG, Jessie Penland |
I J03b | Jessie Moody Penland |
I K05 | Mark E Penland |
I K06 | Sarah Jane Penland |
I J03a | William G, Jr Penland |
I J03c | Penland headstone |
I J03c | William G Penland, Sr |
IV B06 | Clover Meadows Queen |
IV B05 | Mildred Helen Queen |
IV F06 | Harry Edward Quiett |
IV F07a | Lillie and Vernon Quiett |
IV B08a | Neal Louise and Neal Angel Quiett |
V D04 | Charlie Thomas Roane |
V D02b | Mary Lewellyn Siler Roane |
V D02a | RJ Roane |
I Q16a | Joseph, Veronica Robison |
IV E08 | Lena Rosa |
IV B02 | JH (Hol) Rose |
V B08 | Cynthia Salyer |
II C19 | Letha Sandidge |
II E08 | EM Scruggs |
I J16 | Daughter of NP and Maud Seay |
I J15 | Eliza Jane Seay |
II E19 | Infant of Jonie and Zennie Seay |
I J14 | JM Seay |
VII C02a | Shank-Stearns headstone |
VII A05 | Jessie Shank |
I K08a | JF, Stella Shepherd |
I C06 | Jack Wilson Sherrill |
II C16 | Andrew Shuler |
V B05 | Elizabeth Louisa Shuler |
II C15 | Mahala Shuler |
I Q05 | Bertie Beck Sigmon |
II E09 | JH Sitton |
II E10 | Nancy Sitton |
IV B04 | Floy Meadows Smiley |
IV B03 | Harry Lee Smiley |
II E23 | Decie Snelson |
II E20 | Orville Snelson |
II E24 | Robert L Snelson |
I M13 | Billie Sparks |
I M14 | Charlie Sparks |
I M12 | J Sparks |
I L14 | Lucinda Sparks |
VII A03 | IK Stearns |
I N11 | Clara Taylor |
I N10 | James C Taylor |
I N01a | Everett Thomas |
I F04 | Dr Berlin Thomasson |
IV D09 | Evanell Thomasson |
I F05 | Lillian Thomasson |
IV D11a | Josephine Thomasson |
IV D11b | Rollins Thomasson |
V E12 | Frank Roy Thompson |
V E13 | NB Thompson |
I H04 | Emma Weaver |
V A07 | Charlie Welch |
V A08 | Ellen P Welch |
V A09 | Ernest Welch |
V B09 | JM Welch |
V B10 | Margarett Welch |
IV K08 | Alma Fry Wheeler |
V F18 | Baby Wheeler |
V F17 | Nora Wheeler |
I L08 | Dora Wiggins White |
II E12 | Rebecca Whiteside |
I I11 | Eli Wiggins |
I J12 | Elizabeth Wiggins |
I D04 | Mildred Wiggins |
I D03a | Will and Estelle Wiggins |
I K13 | Henry Wilhide |
I K14 | Mary Wilhide |
I N08 | Artie M Williams |
VI G08 | Williams family |
I N06 | Etta Williams |
I N07 | Rev Oliver P Williams |
V D06a | Ellen Black Winston |
V D06b | Dick Winston |
IV D08a | Arthur M Wold |
IV D08b | Maude Thomasson Wold |
II F12 | Infant of OB, HC Wolfe |
I J04 | Daughter of Dan and Mildred Wood |
V A01 | Fred Ziehm |